Professor Héctor Hoyos
Instructor, Magical Realism: One Hundred Years of Solitude
Ph.D. and M.A., Cornell University, Romance Studies
B.A., with honors, Universidad de los Andes, Philosophy
B.A., magna cum laude, Universidad de los Andes, Literature
Héctor Hoyos works at the intersection of literary criticism and continental philosophy. His scholarly publications include two monographs with Columbia University Press: Beyond Bolaño: The Global Latin American Novel (2015), on ideological critiques of globalization in the Latin American novel, and Things with a History: Transcultural Materialism and the Literatures of Extraction in Contemporary Latin America (2019), on the articulation of critical theory and new materialism in the region’s cultural production. The first of these studies appeared in Spanish translation as Los Aleph: Bolaño y la novela global latinoamericana, Crítica, 2020. He is a former Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at Freie Universität Berlin.