
Professor Christopher Krebs

Instructor, Ancient Rome and its Legacies

Ph.D., Kiel University, Latin Philology
M.St., University of Oxford, Greek Language and Literature
1st Staatsexamen Kiel University, Latin Philology and Philosophy

Christopher Krebs studied classics and philosophy in Berlin, Kiel. He taught at University College Oxford and Harvard before joining Stanford’s Classics department, and held visiting positions at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris and the Thesaurus Linguae Latinae in Munich. He works in the fields of intellectual history, Greek and Roman historiography, and Latin philology. Among his major publications are A Most Dangerous Book: Tacitus’ Germania from the Roman Empire to the Third Reich and Time and Narrative in Ancient Historiography. He is currently working on a commentary on Caesar’s Gallic Wars (for Cambridge University Press) as well as an intellectual biography of Caesar in the context of the intellectual life of the Roman Republic (for W.W. Norton). He has co-organized and co-teaches the summer program for high school teachers Caesar in Gaul and has taught Greek and Latin at all levels, seminars on Greek and Roman historiography and Latin poetry, a freshman seminar on rhetoric, and a course on “Great Books, Big Ideas from Antiquity” as part of the new Humanities Core. He also enjoys offering classes in Stanford’s Continuing Studies program. He has appeared on television and radio and occasionally reviews for the Wall Street Journal.